Discover the Realization Process:
A Pathway to Your Most Authentic Self
“I have explored most of the big names in the personal development world, taken some of the best coaching trainings available, practiced over 10,000 hours of Mindfulness and Vipassana meditation, and I have never experienced anything close to the brilliance, directness and potency of the Realization Process.”

What is the Realization Process?
The Realization Process is a refined series of guided practices designed to help you attune to and uncover the deepest part of your being—your most authentic self. These direct and gentle yet immensely powerful attunement exercises range from 10 to 30 minutes, offering a transformative way to connect deeply with yourself.
The Realization Process is an embodied approach. It understands and teaches that we need to develop deep contact with ourselves throughout the whole instrument of our experience; our body, in order for us to become and feel whole.
By regularly doing these guided practices, we begin to know ourselves deeply, not as an idea or self-concept but as an ongoing felt sense experience of wholeness. We become and feel real.
The Realization Process was developed and refined over 45 years by Dr. Judith Blackstone, a brilliant modern spiritual teacher and psychotherapist. Her work guides us in attuning to a level of ourselves that has never been broken and can never be broken—what we call Fundamental Consciousness. This unified, subtle ground of consciousness pervades our entire being and environment simultaneously, leading to an experience of the deepest connection with ourselves, others and Life itself.
Through these transformative practices, you can:
Become and feel real
Recover and reclaim all our human capacities, such as our ability to feel and love deeply, experience and express our authentic power, our full intelligence, the fullness, joy, and safety of our sexuality and/or gender, and our ability to speak our truth clearly
Feel more grounded and substantial
Feel more alive, be more comfortable in our own skin, and more at ease with ourselves and the world and people around us
Heal from trauma
Develop deep and authentic relationships with others without losing inner contact with ourselves
And much more…