What Would You Do if There Were No Deadlines?
We’ve all heard the classic question: “If you only had one day left to live, what would you do?” It’s a powerful way to clarify what matters most here and now. But recently, another question came to mind, one that might be even more revealing.
“If you knew you could live healthily forever, with all your needs met and no pressure to be productive, what would you pursue in life?”
I love this question because it removes all urgency. There’s no ticking clock, no looming deadline, no need for anything to be “productive.” It opens the door to those deeper desires you may have shelved—interests and passions lingering at the edge of your mind, waiting for the “right” moment (which, let’s be honest, probably never comes).
What Have You Been Pushing Aside?
We all have pursuits we’ve dismissed as “not worth the time.” For me, it's spending more time in nature—especially in the ocean to learn to surf. And then there are others, like learning to sing, writing poetry, or diving into martial arts—things I’ve kept on the back burner for quite a while. How about you? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, but it felt like too much commitment. Or perhaps you’ve felt a pull to explore neuroscience, study the history of ancient civilizations, or take salsa classes—things you’ve brushed off as “out there” or unrelated to your career. What if this question nudges you to reconsider?
What if time and productivity didn’t factor in? What if you could explore any passion, knowing there was no such thing as wasted effort?
The 1,000-Hour Rule: Where Could You Be?
Here’s a fun thought experiment: Imagine spending just two hours a week diving into a passion you’ve barely allowed yourself to think about—whether it’s learning about different cultures, picking up the guitar, or studying the philosophical works of the Stoics. Now, imagine doing this for the next 10 years. That’s 1,000 hours of exploring something that’s always fascinated you.
Where would you be after 1,000 hours? You might not be a world champion or concert pianist, but you’d have gained remarkable knowledge and skills. More importantly, your life would be so much richer because you allowed a true interest to shape part of your experience. Isn’t that the point?
Sometimes, it’s not about how quickly we see results or how “productive” we are. It’s about the joy, fulfillment, and curiosity we invite into our lives.
The Joy of Saying Yes to Your Heart’s Desires
This question invites you to show up for yourself. It’s not about rushing or achieving. It’s about finally giving room to those dreams and fascinations that light you up and spark your joy and curiosity—the ones you may have brushed off because they didn’t seem practical or aligned with your goals.
What if you gave yourself permission to explore them, even just for a couple of hours each week? What if you said yes to something your heart has always wanted, even if it doesn’t have an obvious “purpose”? Imagine how much more fulfilling life could feel when you give yourself space to play, learn, and grow. And who knows where that might lead?
It’s Time to Enjoy the Ride
Here’s the truth: Life isn’t just about productivity. It’s about the journey—the experiences, the fun, the exploration. So, show up, say yes to the desires of your heart, and let life unfold its magic. It doesn’t have to be perfect, efficient, or fit neatly into a box labeled “productive.”
It’s time to enjoy the ride. Pick up that musical instrument, start learning Persian poetry, book a ticket to somewhere new and exciting, or begin that sci-fi novel you’ve been mulling over for years. Whatever it is, let yourself indulge in the thrill of discovering something new and unexpected, without any pressure to “make it worthwhile.” Sometimes, the simple act of showing up for yourself is all you need to live a life that feels richer, fuller, and more connected.
I’m writing this article as much for myself as I am for you.
So, what’s one thing your heart or curious mind keeps whispering for you to explore, something you’ve been putting off for too long?
Ready to rediscover the passions and curiosities you’ve set aside? If you’re feeling called to connect with what truly excites you and bring a new sense of meaning to your life, let’s dive in together. Book a free discovery call, and let’s explore how you can reclaim those forgotten parts of yourself, integrate them with your path, and create a life that feels deeply aligned and alive.
Begin the journey to honoring what truly matters—starting now.